Harmony Lab

Bring harmony into your home with colours that match together

Spice up your life with some colour.

Did you know that certain colours can influence your mood and productivity? A well-balanced colour scheme will not only elevate the look and feel of any interior, but can also contribute to your general well-being. And the shade you pick for your floor can make a huge difference.

Choosing the right colours for your home

But how do you know which colours work best?

BerryAlloc’s Harmony Lab will guide you to a flooring choice that is complementary to what you choose to implement in your interior. This tool has analysed different colours together with the undertones of our floors in countless ways, providing a highly accurate method to determine the most compatible combinations.

Here are some basic explanations and ground rules that you can easily implement to create a well-balanced interior.

BerryAlloc Laminate Floors - Select Sand Natural

Colour character

Although the colour of your floor may seem fairly obvious at first sight, there’s a whole layer of subtle undertones that’ll determine which colours work best with that particular floor – something that is especially apparent in natural wood designs. This underlying shade is the colour character of your floor. These are the resulting colour groups:

🟡 yellow

🟠 orange

🔴 red

🟣 purple

🔵 blue

🟢 green

Once you know the colour character of your floor, you’re able to take the next step in your interior design journey. This chromatic colour wheel will guide you in your decisions.

The colour character works in both ways: if you’ve already decided on a floor, you can use it to determine the colour of your walls. Already got a specific colour scheme in mind? Choose your floor based on that.

BerryAlloc - Harmony Lab

Contrasting colours

Using contrasting colours means using colours that are directly opposite to your floor’s colour character on the chromatic colour wheel.

If your floor has a yellow character, offset it with purple elements in your interior, or vice versa. The same goes for orange and blue, or red and green.


Harmonious colours

Using harmonious colours means using colours that are either the same colour as your floor’s colour character; or its neighbouring colour on the colour wheel.

If your floor has a yellow character, this means using variations of yellow, green, and orange in your interior. If it has a blue character, this means using variations of blue,
green, and purple, and so on.

Take a moment to imagine the right floor in your home.

Take a moment to imagine the right floor in your home.

Looking for a new interior and want to get inspired? Choose between our laminate, vinyl planks & tiles, high pressure floors, or parquet and upload any room in your house – whether it's a living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, Floorfit will guide you to a floor that’s made for you.

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